Old Church Model
Core Values
1950-1960 Era
New Church Model
Core Values
2010-2020 Era
Biblical Instruction (Faith)
Prayer (Faith)
Relational (Fellowship/Family)
Caring Ministry (Family)
Transformation (evangelism, spiritual formation)
Old Cultural Setting |
New Cultural Setting |
External Culture
External culture (society) supported Christian principles.
“Build it and they will come.”
Church affiliation was socially acceptable.
Denominationally driven; hierarchical.
Centralized forms of governance.
External Culture
External culture (society) is anti-Christian and apostate; apathetic, desires censure of Christians and persecution.
“Why should I go?” It’s not necessary to go.
It is socially acceptable NOT to be affiliated with a church. Generally, people are frustrated by religion or “religious” semantics.
No longer relevant to individual / communal needs.
Post-denominational era. A call for decentralized forms of governance.
Economic Indicators
Rising household income.
Mass production & labor intensive.
Collective sense of peace, security and prosperity.
Economic Indicators
Rising unemployment, layoffs and debts.
Consumer driven economy; increased imports.
Government takeover and seizures.
Collective sense of being physically & emotionally unhealthy, in insecurity and poverty.
Modern Worldview (Christendom)
Science & Reason
Logic & Rational
Absolute truth exists; must be obeyed.
Follow a prescribed manner or pattern; there is only one “absolute” manner/way it can be achieve; A high value placed on rules and these prescribed manners; defiance from the norm is socially prohibited.
Postmodern Worldview (Post-Christendom)
Relativism; truth is based on the individual.
High value placed on community / relationships.
Materialistic & Individual freedom with no boundaries or personal responsibility.
Reality is based on experience; experimental demonstration.
Transistor radios & commercial televisions were introduced in 1939.
Telegraphs & Rotary telephones.
Jukeboxes, record players & 8-track tapes.
Cassette tapes.
Computers, scanners & USB-port.
High-Def, Plasma screens, Blue-Ray, Cable & Satellite-televisions, 3-D movies, Pay-per-view, PVR, TiVo, DVD & Web-Cams.
Smart-Phones, text-message, Instant Message, E-Mail, MP3 Players, IPods & Droids.
Internet, chat-rooms, Web-communities: (i.e. MySpace, Facebook, Twitter & Plaxo)
Ministry Goals
Increase membership
Increase Sunday school classes.
Ministry Goals
Must be relational to approach and entry point.
Primary focus must be placed on discipleship. Must be decentralized & address a increasing level of biblical and spiritual immaturity; a generation unfamiliar and/or inexperienced with worship or biblical standards.
Must serve in an environment of persecution and government intervention/oppression to Christian faith.
Sunday-School is model for education.
Congregations establish programs.
Cell groups (a home-church mindset) Each cell group will focus on all 5-core values.
Entry Point to the Gospel
The unchurched or non-believers were invited to church and children invited to Sunday school class (catechism).
The unchurched or non-believers were invited to various programs to entice participation.
Entry Point to the Gospel
The cell group.
Visitors to worship will no longer encouraged to become members immediately; instead, they are encouraged to become an active participant in a cell group.