
E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many One

E Pluribus Unum

Our national motto, E Pluribus Unum, is a Latin phrase meaning: Out of Many (people), ONE (people). What calls us together from many people out of diverse backgrounds, nations, cultures, and yes, even races, is the dedication to a shared ideals stated in the Declaration of Independence: “That all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” There are forces right now trying to destroy our union and divide us into warring tribes with no shared goal or vision for the future; no shared ideals. They want to divide us along racial, economic, social and political lines.

Spiritual Warfare over Truth

War for truth

Pastors indulge sin with false grace that confuses license with love, endorses sin as it was actually helping rather than bringing harm. It is a Spiritual War over the truthfulness of God’s Word.

Pouring Oil on the Waters…

Jewish View of Time

Mini-Message: How to respond with Love in times of Social Chaos. The Teaching: The Jewish Concept of Time is non-linear, made up of repeating types and patterns. The Gospels are not written in chronological order, but were written to show how Jesus is the fulfillment of types revealed in the Torah.

There Are Only 2 Races of Mankind

I have been the only “white-boy” pastor in an all-African American church. I was born a gentile, but by faith I am also a son of Abraham. I am grandfather to my Hispanic grandchildren. I have a mixed-mutt Anglo-Swede-German-Celtic and who-knows-what-else of a heritage. I have brothers who are Asian and Native Americans. Our church is a beautiful melting pot of multi-ethnic souls. In the world, there are only two races of mankind. However they are not races based on skin color or ethnic origin. The two races of mankind are those who in God and those are not. If you are in Christ, we are of one blood and we share God as our Father. We are blood brothers in Jesus. We are family. We are one. Historically, there has always been hostility between peoples of different tribes, tongues, religions, and colors. In Israel, in the Temple, there was a low wall called a “soreg” beyond which no non-Hebrew could go on pain of death. Within the wall, closer to God’s Holy Presence, only the covenant people could go. This wall created hostility between Jews and non-Jews; it was an exclusion zone that created a second class of citizens. … Read more

John’s Use of Genesis

John used Genesis to show that the Son of God, made flesh in the Incarnation, was at the beginning of Creation and through him all things were created. Jesus is the Logos: the reason for being and the meaning of life.

See What the Networks Are Afraid to Air!

What the Networks are afraid to air:  more examples of Thought Police even by FOX “In an era where we’re trying to give survivors a voice, whether that is through the #MeToo movement or on any number of issues, for some reason we deem survivors of abortion worthy of being ignored into oblivion,” Ms. Gillett said. “That, to me, is both ironic but also just appalling.”

Transgenderism is A Religion

Transgenderism is a belief that is not upheld by science. A person claims to be transgender by identification, which is an mental or emotional attachment to an idea. The person who claims to be a female, but is in fact a male, is denying the scientific fact of biology, genetics and DNA. It is therefore a religious belief, whose enforcement by the state violates the First Amendment’s second clause by establishing a religion.

The Search for Utopia… Cleansing History

There is a strange and unrealistic movement in the radical left today to somehow fix the country by cleansing its history of all its imperfect past. This attempt to erase history, rather than to learn from it, is more than idealism. It is thought control. In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the powers that be were constantly changing and rewriting history to fit with their present political objectives. “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

Visit the Bold Beauty Project of Texas


The Texas Bold Beauty Project

Invitations to the Governor’s Office and several supportive commissions have been extended. Cecilia Abbott, the First Lady of Texas, committed to attend one of the project’s receptions

I have designed the website and am working to promote the Bold Beauty Project of Texas. This project is dedicated to women how have suffered from some disability or accident, but who wish to portray their true strength and beauty in spite of loss. Their courage is amazing: The Texas Bold Beauty Project is the latest installation of a visual arts exhibition which began in Miami, Florida, in 2006. That original exhibition focused on several incredible women affected by various disabilities and health challenges. It defied stereotypical concepts of “beautiful” and required the public to admire the true beauty found in each model as seen through the lenses of professional photographers. Shelly Baer, one of the creators of that first project, may have stated it best when talking about the stares she received due to her lifelong struggle with aggressive rheumatoid arthritis. As one of the models herself, Baer invited visitors to the exhibition to “stare at me again. Stare at me from a place of beauty. Stare at me from a place of arts.” This year, artists and volunteers began shaping the Texas Bold Beauty Project in Wimberley, Texas. The small and scenic Hill Country town had recently been … Read more