
Spiritual Warfare over Truth

War for truth

Pastors indulge sin with false grace that confuses license with love, endorses sin as it was actually helping rather than bringing harm. It is a Spiritual War over the truthfulness of God’s Word.

How Do You Reconcile With Those Who Have Hurt You?

Reconciliation sometimes requires confrontation. It can be an act of love to confront someone with their behavior, rather than ignore it, excuse it, or become indifferent to them. Confrontation can be an act of love.

Pouring Oil on the Waters…

Jewish View of Time

Mini-Message: How to respond with Love in times of Social Chaos. The Teaching: The Jewish Concept of Time is non-linear, made up of repeating types and patterns. The Gospels are not written in chronological order, but were written to show how Jesus is the fulfillment of types revealed in the Torah.

John’s Use of Genesis

John used Genesis to show that the Son of God, made flesh in the Incarnation, was at the beginning of Creation and through him all things were created. Jesus is the Logos: the reason for being and the meaning of life.

Breaking Bread in Our Homes… Passover 2020

communion, eucharist, passover, easter

We are in a season where we are separated and have to have communion with our families in our homes, which is like the time the Hebrews were hiding in their homes during Passover, as the last plague in Eqypt took the firstborn children of the Egyptians. Our Communion with Jesus should extend to care for our neighbors… those hungry and without.

Healing is God’s Will For Us – All The Time

If Jesus were here today in this room, how many of you would doubt that you could go up to him and he would heal you?  You believe he would because that is what he did when he was on the earth.  Did he ever turn anyone down who came to him? No. It says “he healed them all…”

Being Made Righteous by God

Jesus died to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Through confession of sin and rebirth by the Holy Spirit, we are given the gift of unmerited favor and given the righteousness of God so that all our sins are washed away and in God’s eyes, it is as though we have never committed any sin. Jesus took the blame as if he had committed our sins and not us.

The Whole Gospel of Jesus Christ

joy from healing

For too long, we have preached a half gospel: the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of your soul, which has only to do with the spiritual. That is true enough, but Jesus also died to heal us of all our diseases and infirmities. His death on the cross was the atonement for our sins and broke the power of Satan over our souls and bodies

Paul’s Weakness

Pardoned or Paroled? Escaping a Prison of Guilt to Find Freedom in Christ

Paul’s weakness was his learning and education, which he thought was his strength. The thorn in his side was not sickness but constant attempts to undermine his ministry by religious legalists/false apostles who came as messengers of Satan to churches he founded. The Thorn not being removed caused him to write many of the letters we have to day in response to these attacks upon grace and his ministry.

A Funeral of Hope and Celebration

Cythnia Gartland Funeral, Oct 20, 2013 from jefferis peterson Funeral for Cythnia Gartland, Oct 20, 2013 Officiating, Jefferis Kent Peterson, I, her son-in-law I had the privilege of doing a celebration of life for my mother-in-law.  The actual eulogy begins at minute 9. Our hope in the face of death. God sets a limit on our estrangement and brings us back to Him by removing fear of Him through death.