
Paul’s Weakness

Pardoned or Paroled? Escaping a Prison of Guilt to Find Freedom in Christ

Paul’s weakness was his learning and education, which he thought was his strength. The thorn in his side was not sickness but constant attempts to undermine his ministry by religious legalists/false apostles who came as messengers of Satan to churches he founded. The Thorn not being removed caused him to write many of the letters we have to day in response to these attacks upon grace and his ministry.

A Funeral of Hope and Celebration

Cythnia Gartland Funeral, Oct 20, 2013 from jefferis peterson Funeral for Cythnia Gartland, Oct 20, 2013 Officiating, Jefferis Kent Peterson, I, her son-in-law I had the privilege of doing a celebration of life for my mother-in-law.  The actual eulogy begins at minute 9. Our hope in the face of death. God sets a limit on our estrangement and brings us back to Him by removing fear of Him through death.

Being a Friend to God

Friendship is a covenant term

 Being a Friend to God

Gary has been preaching on Friendship.    The word friend in the OT and NT is a word that means a covenant relationship. 

2 Ch 20:7 Did you not, our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel, and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend?
Jas 2:23  Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God.
Isaiah 41:8 But you, Israel, my servant,
Jacob, whom I have chosen,
the offspring of Abraham, my friend; 

What is a covenant relationship?    

Marriage is a good example:  you join bank accounts. Your debts become both your debts, your assets also theirs. You live together, you protect each other, and hopefully you would die for each other. 

Covenant relationships mean that you share whatever you have if the other person has need of it. If you are good in publicity, but they are good in finance, your promote their business while they finance yours. You would never let your covenant partner starve while you have food. You would die before you let anyone harm them. 

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Jeremiah, The Complaining Prophet

Portrayal of Jeremiah, what persecution he endured, his complaints to God, and what would he say to us if he were here today

We Have Been Made Righteous!

Having become sin for us, Jesus has made us the righteousness of God because God who is Holy now lives in the heart of every believer. His Spirit is perfect and he dwells in us.

Releasing the Past – Part 1

Everyone can be troubled by remembering misdeeds from the past. Guilt is Satan’s playground. He loves to cause endless remorse and guilt, because it divides us from God who has forgiven us. If you have confessed your sins but still live under condemnation, you are listening to the wrong voice.

Releasing the Past – Part 2

Letting go of the past requires forgiveness. If you do not forgive the things done to you, you will keep reliving the pain every time your are reminded of it or will react with fear and anxiety if you are ever in a similar situation, even if there is no real threat. Sometimes the hardest things to forgive are not things done to you, but done to someone else that you care about.

Vignettes: Things that Aren’t Always What they Seem

Scripture stories that don’t mean what we think they do.

The Church Unleashed….

Ministry is done by all the people of God, not a specialized clergy. Each person is responsible to hear from God what He has called them to do.

Law, Lawlessness and Legalism

“Judge not, lest you be judged” has been misinterpreted to mean that no matter what anyone does, we should not judge the behavior. He pointed out that we are not to condemn someone for their sins, lest we get condemned for ours, but that does NOT mean we are not to discern what is right and wrong, or identify certain behaviors as sin.Grace does not mean there is no law and we are free to behave any way we wish. Grace is to lead us to holiness, which is the walking in the presence of God and reflecting his character.