The Irony of Atheism
The irony of atheism is that the atheist must posit the existence of God in order to have something to not believe in. Atheists don’t rail against the idea of Zeus or Thor; only against the Judeo-Christian idea of God.
Presenting the case for Jesus Christ in a logical manner.
The irony of atheism is that the atheist must posit the existence of God in order to have something to not believe in. Atheists don’t rail against the idea of Zeus or Thor; only against the Judeo-Christian idea of God.
Understanding Western Culture’s world view, how it forms a stronghold and why it is difficult to talk to others about faith matters, when all the culture’s assumptions are materialistic.
Paul’s weakness was his learning and education, which he thought was his strength. The thorn in his side was not sickness but constant attempts to undermine his ministry by religious legalists/false apostles who came as messengers of Satan to churches he founded. The Thorn not being removed caused him to write many of the letters we have to day in response to these attacks upon grace and his ministry.
The Hebrew Meanings of the 10 Generations Mentioned in Genesis 5: Pastor Mark Biltz [] Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainain, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah When we assemble the meanings of the names together in birth order, we find a message unfolding before us… just as it must have for those who witnessed the generations so long ago: Mankind / Is Appointed To / A Feeble, Frail, Mortality / In A Fixed mail order Dwelling Place. / God Who Is Praised / Comes Down / To Instruct / As A Man Sent Forth / To Be Beaten, Smitten And Tortured / Bringing Rest, A Quiet Peace. ADAM = Mankind OT:120 ‘adam (aw-dawm’); from OT:119; ruddy i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.): SETH = Appointed To OT:7896 shiyth (sheeth); a primitive root; to place (in a very wide application):KJV appoint ENOS = Feeble, Frail, Mortality (#582 FROM #605) OT:582 ‘enowsh (en-oshe’); from OT:605; properly, a mortal (and thus differing from the more dignified OT:120); OT:605 ‘anash (aw-nash’); a primitive root; to be frail, feeble CAINAN = A Fixed Dwelling Place OT:7064 qen (kane); contracted from OT:7077; a nest (as fixed) MAHALALEEL = God Who Is Praised … Read more
“Judge not, lest you be judged” has been misinterpreted to mean that no matter what anyone does, we should not judge the behavior. He pointed out that we are not to condemn someone for their sins, lest we get condemned for ours, but that does NOT mean we are not to discern what is right and wrong, or identify certain behaviors as sin.Grace does not mean there is no law and we are free to behave any way we wish. Grace is to lead us to holiness, which is the walking in the presence of God and reflecting his character.
Fundamentalism has unconsciously imposed an Enlightenment Rationalist Worldview upon the Gospel writers, who never intended the Gospels to be interpreted simply as a strict chronological recounting of historical events. They were writing theological pamphlets intended to prove that Jesus was the fulfillment of the prophetic types present in Genesis to Joshua. By arguing as Enlightenment Rationalists, Fundamentalists have undermined their own efforts because they have not understood the original writers’ intent.
Theodicy means God’s Justice. And the question is how can a just God allow the existence of physical and moral evil?
If God is truly Sovereign and not even a sparrow can fall to the ground without his knowledge and consent, why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
As I have mentioned in previous articles, there are many reasons why atheists do not believe. There are legitimate reasons that cause people to question the reality of God: suffering, the death of a loved one, unanswered prayers, injustice in the world, being a victim of child abuse… All these ugly realities can raise serious questions about the existence of a just and loving God. Of course, it may not be fair to blame God for the evil that human beings freely choose to do. That would be a bit like blaming the police for people committing crimes. Nevertheless, there are wounded emotions that sometimes override rational perspectives and cause people to jump to unwarranted conclusions: God is to blame because, if he exists, he is omnipotent and could have stopped the evil. As I wrote before, part of the nature of God in humanity is freedom of the will, and for God to stop people from exercising their freedom, however badly, he would have to turn them into robots and destroy what makes them human. The freedom to love and do great good is the very same freedom that allows a person to hate and do great harm. Freedom … Read more
Roger Bacon (c.1214–1294) is sometimes credited with the modern establishment of the scientific method, following Aristotle. From the previous articles, we have shown that no one can disprove the existence of God, and that atheists believe there is no God but cannot know for sure, and so their belief is unsubstantiated. We have also shown that because the supposed nature of God as Creator of all things, if He exists, is trans-dimensional, exists outside of the 4 palpable dimensions of time and space, and not subject to the causal laws of material physics. Therefore, the scientific method has no means of verifying or measuring the reality of God. In other words, God is supernatural and axiomatic and therefore not subject to testable hypotheses or “proofs.” Furthermore, we have demonstrated that atheist objections to the existence of God often rest upon assumptions about the nature of God illegitimately acquired from a Judeo-Christian worldview. The idea of justice and fairness, for example, assumes too much, if one starts with the assumption that the creation is evolutionary and accidental. This God could be just as uncaring and uninvolved in human affairs as we are in the life of ants. Therefore, the question of God’s goodness does not … Read more
a·the·ism noun: atheism disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. Origin late 16th century: from French athéisme, from Greek atheos, from a- ‘without’ + theos ‘god.’ Atheism is a faith just like any other faith. It is founded on a belief, not on fact or science. The word “atheism” means “no belief.” However, atheists actually do believe; it is just that they believe in “nothing.” They believe that there is no God. In spite of all their claims to the contrary, atheists must still rely upon the same resources for their convictions as do all other believers: namely, their faith. The only difference is their faith is directed towards nothing. They believe there is no “thing” out there. No God. No supernatural. No Devil. No purpose or meaning to life. Yet, they are no more rational in their beliefs than Christians are in theirs. The atheist’s lack of belief in God is simply an article of faith. The problem atheists face is that you cannot prove that “nothing” exists. Nothing is the “absence” of some-thing. It isn’t a thing. It isn’t there, so you can’t show it. You cannot prove “nothing” is true. At most, you may find nothing where you are … Read more