
How Do You Reconcile With Those Who Have Hurt You?

Reconciliation sometimes requires confrontation. It can be an act of love to confront someone with their behavior, rather than ignore it, excuse it, or become indifferent to them. Confrontation can be an act of love.

Pouring Oil on the Waters…

Jewish View of Time

Mini-Message: How to respond with Love in times of Social Chaos. The Teaching: The Jewish Concept of Time is non-linear, made up of repeating types and patterns. The Gospels are not written in chronological order, but were written to show how Jesus is the fulfillment of types revealed in the Torah.

There Are Only 2 Races of Mankind

I have been the only “white-boy” pastor in an all-African American church. I was born a gentile, but by faith I am also a son of Abraham. I am grandfather to my Hispanic grandchildren. I have a mixed-mutt Anglo-Swede-German-Celtic and who-knows-what-else of a heritage. I have brothers who are Asian and Native Americans. Our church is a beautiful melting pot of multi-ethnic souls. In the world, there are only two races of mankind. However they are not races based on skin color or ethnic origin. The two races of mankind are those who in God and those are not. If you are in Christ, we are of one blood and we share God as our Father. We are blood brothers in Jesus. We are family. We are one. Historically, there has always been hostility between peoples of different tribes, tongues, religions, and colors. In Israel, in the Temple, there was a low wall called a “soreg” beyond which no non-Hebrew could go on pain of death. Within the wall, closer to God’s Holy Presence, only the covenant people could go. This wall created hostility between Jews and non-Jews; it was an exclusion zone that created a second class of citizens. … Read more

John’s Use of Genesis

John used Genesis to show that the Son of God, made flesh in the Incarnation, was at the beginning of Creation and through him all things were created. Jesus is the Logos: the reason for being and the meaning of life.

Breaking Bread in Our Homes… Passover 2020

communion, eucharist, passover, easter

We are in a season where we are separated and have to have communion with our families in our homes, which is like the time the Hebrews were hiding in their homes during Passover, as the last plague in Eqypt took the firstborn children of the Egyptians. Our Communion with Jesus should extend to care for our neighbors… those hungry and without.

Healing is God’s Will For Us – All The Time

If Jesus were here today in this room, how many of you would doubt that you could go up to him and he would heal you?  You believe he would because that is what he did when he was on the earth.  Did he ever turn anyone down who came to him? No. It says “he healed them all…”

See What the Networks Are Afraid to Air!

What the Networks are afraid to air:  more examples of Thought Police even by FOX “In an era where we’re trying to give survivors a voice, whether that is through the #MeToo movement or on any number of issues, for some reason we deem survivors of abortion worthy of being ignored into oblivion,” Ms. Gillett said. “That, to me, is both ironic but also just appalling.”

Transgenderism is A Religion

Transgenderism is a belief that is not upheld by science. A person claims to be transgender by identification, which is an mental or emotional attachment to an idea. The person who claims to be a female, but is in fact a male, is denying the scientific fact of biology, genetics and DNA. It is therefore a religious belief, whose enforcement by the state violates the First Amendment’s second clause by establishing a religion.

The Gospel of Suffering

Christ Crucified

There is a Gospel of Prosperity is unbalanced when there is no recognition of the role of suffering in God’s plan for our lives.  Even Jesus, though having never sinned, was made perfect through suffering.  If he was perfected by suffering, can we expect any less for ourselves?

Being Made Righteous by God

Jesus died to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Through confession of sin and rebirth by the Holy Spirit, we are given the gift of unmerited favor and given the righteousness of God so that all our sins are washed away and in God’s eyes, it is as though we have never committed any sin. Jesus took the blame as if he had committed our sins and not us.