Theological Investigations of the Last Days
How and when will the world end? Are we in the end times? Who is the lawless one of 2 Thessalonians? Are you Pre-Trib, Post -Trib, Mid -Trib? Are you Pre, Post, or A-Millennial ?
If those names don’t mean anything to you, read on. They have often generated more heat than light in modern Evangelicalism. Fur is ruffled and sparks fly as Christians of good faith disagree over the “correct” End Times theology.
While we at SC have our various opinions, we do believe that when the Lord of the Church Comes Again in Glory, he will correct us all with his truth. Until that time, we will agree to disagree, while arguing vigorously for our positions. We hope that the environment of charity and love will prevail while Christ is held in honor by all.
- The End is Coming! (A theological sermon about possible events to close the age)
- End Time Apostasy?
- Mark’s Apocalypse – Mark 13: 1-23
- The Desolating Sacrilege and the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (History)
- Is the Time of the Gentiles Fulfilled? 40 Years After Jerusalem Returns to Jewish Hands Is This the Final Generation?
- Dispensational Fatalism
- The Man of Lawlessness – a Man of Many Laws
- 666 – Mark of the Beast an Invisible Mark?
- The Last Trumpet: Why There is no Pre-Trib or Mid-Tribulation Rapture.
- Millennium? What Millennium? Why Gog and Magog Miss Armageddon.