
What is Faith?

What is Faith?

The Greek word for faith also means to trust. Trust is a word that better conveys the meaning of faith, as trust is a word of relationship to another. Faith can be an abstract word as if it is some kind of power or ability unrelated to the God the Father, but possessed by one’s own will and strength.
Jesus had an unbroken trust in His Father. He never doubted. Out of his perfect trust in the Father, his righteousness was revealed.

The Sound of the Lord’s Voice

city lit up at night

I think this is the Lord showing me something. I see a sound like a sonic boom that is heard around the world all at once by every nation and tongue. It is the Lord’s voice and it is a sign and a wonder. All the earth will wonder at it. There will be no natural explanation. But because they don’t understand the Spirit, some will fear, some will dismiss. But it is a sign for the Body of Christ that God is moving on the earth and reclaiming for his own.

Thy Kingdom Come …On Earth!

clouds during sunset

(Audio suffers from an echo…sorry)
The Gates of Hell will not be able to withstand the increase and aggressive advance of the Church, which God is using to establish the Dominion of God on the Earth. Aided by supernatural power, the people of God will be empowered to bring evidence of God’s reality, beauty, and love to the world. The church has been praying for the kingdom of God to COME on the Earth for over 2,000 years. What will that look like?

A Time of Darkness; A Time of Light – 9 Prophetic Words

One Corporation to Rule them All

Prophetic Words recorded in 1992 are being confirmed by contemporary prophets and are coming to pass, or soon will be. Financial collapse, Supernatural provision, International corporations want to rule the world and control the people

The Mercenary Spirit – A Dream from 1989, fulfilled in 1990

UN Forces

In a dream in 1989 – a year prior to the 1st Gulf War, I saw a mercenary spirit take over the United States. Psy Ops were used against the Christian community by our government to encourage them to support the war. The Mercenary Spirit is willing to go to war for money, and that is how our military was used for globalist interests.

Sending Angels, Georgia Guidestones, & Washington Monument Falling

Wash Monument Fallen - a prophetic vision

Sending Angels, Georgia Guidestones, & Washington Monument Falling – a prophetic vision

A Dream About Islamic Attacks in France

Attack on Pearl Harbor 1941

2 years before the horrendous terrorist attacks in France in 2015, I had a dream about Islamic Jihadist attacks. In 2015, there were 6 significant terrorist attacks including the November 13th attack in the theater where 183 were killed or wounded.

The Statue of Liberty: A Call to Repentance

The Statue of Liberty: A Call to Repentance.Lady Liberty has fallen into the sea
Her torch of freedom has been extinguished
Her light to the nations has been put out

The War Within Oneself

Inner Turmoil

The hardest struggle we have in this life is not with others, but within ourself.

An Intercessory Prayer for the People of the United States of America

An Intercessory Prayer for the People of the United States of America, A reason for God to have mercy