
Releasing the Past – Part 1

Everyone can be troubled by remembering misdeeds from the past. Guilt is Satan’s playground. He loves to cause endless remorse and guilt, because it divides us from God who has forgiven us. If you have confessed your sins but still live under condemnation, you are listening to the wrong voice.

Releasing the Past – Part 2

Letting go of the past requires forgiveness. If you do not forgive the things done to you, you will keep reliving the pain every time your are reminded of it or will react with fear and anxiety if you are ever in a similar situation, even if there is no real threat. Sometimes the hardest things to forgive are not things done to you, but done to someone else that you care about.

#TimesUp and Black Dresses?

#timesup and black dresses? Women on the red carpet wore black dresses that accentuated their sexuality (long slits up their legs and V-necks to their bellies with breasts barely covered. And then they complain about being treated as sex objects. It would have a greater impact if they ALL refused to do nude scenes and take their clothes off on camera. Most actresses get ahead on looks, beauty and sexuality. It may be called “art” in Hollywood, but it is still just glorified porn.

Hebrew Meanings 10 Names in Genesis

The Hebrew Meanings of the 10 Generations Mentioned in Genesis 5: Pastor Mark Biltz [] Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainain, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah When we assemble the meanings of the names together in birth order, we find a message unfolding before us… just as it must have for those who witnessed the generations so long ago: Mankind / Is Appointed To / A Feeble, Frail, Mortality / In A Fixed mail order Dwelling Place. / God Who Is Praised / Comes Down / To Instruct / As A Man Sent Forth / To Be Beaten, Smitten And Tortured / Bringing Rest, A Quiet Peace. ADAM = Mankind OT:120 ‘adam (aw-dawm’); from OT:119; ruddy i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.): SETH = Appointed To OT:7896 shiyth (sheeth); a primitive root; to place (in a very wide application):KJV appoint ENOS = Feeble, Frail, Mortality (#582 FROM #605) OT:582 ‘enowsh (en-oshe’); from OT:605; properly, a mortal (and thus differing from the more dignified OT:120); OT:605 ‘anash (aw-nash’); a primitive root; to be frail, feeble CAINAN = A Fixed Dwelling Place OT:7064 qen (kane); contracted from OT:7077; a nest (as fixed) MAHALALEEL = God Who Is Praised … Read more

Feeling Guilty? There is a Remedy

A guilty conscience is a constant accuser. You can’t escape from yourself. But there is a way to find peace with a cleansed conscience.

Vignettes: Things that Aren’t Always What they Seem

Scripture stories that don’t mean what we think they do.

What Donald Trump Should Have Said After Charlottesville.

What Donald Trump Should Have Said After Charlottesville: In 1977, the ACLU defended the right of the Ku Klux Klan to march through Skokie, Illinois, through a neighborhood where many survivors of the Holocaust lived, and even defended the KKK’s right to wear Swastikas! The motive of the KKK was not love, but hate. Yet the ACLU argued that censoring certain speech or forms of expression gave the government too much power that could be used against any particular group of people at any time, if that group fell out of favor. In other words, if the KKK could be censored and not permitted to march, so too could gay pride marches be banned. The ACLU holds that the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech, also protects the rights of those who express things we hate and find repulsive. The Supreme Court of the United States and the Supreme Court of Illinois found that merely expressing reprehensible views is not a legitimate reason to suppress that speech, no matter how offensive it is. The First Amendment is necessary to a democracy and to a free people, lest the government begin to decide who does and who does not have … Read more

The Church Unleashed….

Ministry is done by all the people of God, not a specialized clergy. Each person is responsible to hear from God what He has called them to do.

Law, Lawlessness and Legalism

“Judge not, lest you be judged” has been misinterpreted to mean that no matter what anyone does, we should not judge the behavior. He pointed out that we are not to condemn someone for their sins, lest we get condemned for ours, but that does NOT mean we are not to discern what is right and wrong, or identify certain behaviors as sin.Grace does not mean there is no law and we are free to behave any way we wish. Grace is to lead us to holiness, which is the walking in the presence of God and reflecting his character.

Invention #2 in Cm

Invention #2 in Cm  PDF File Invention #2 in Cm ©1985 Jefferis Kent Peterson, Baroque Style Invention