
Come to Jesus

Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting our trespasses against us… No Matter what sin you have committed, God is not counting it against you: incest, adultery, rape, fornication, homosexuality, pedophilia, murder, theft  – God is not holding it against you.

Trusting God in the Shaking, A Conflict of Powers

Trusting God in the Shaking

We are in a battle against Spiritual Wickedness using worldly powers: Government, Financial Systems, Politics, Communications, Religion. God is judging the world’s systems but has set apart a place of refuge for the people of God.

Submission, Authority and Power

Baptism Stained glass window detail, Mountfield church

Authority and power come through submission to higher authorities, whether spiritual or natural.
Jesus submitted to John at Baptism. Why did he need to do so to “fulfill all righteousness”?
How are we to honor one another? What do biblical humility and submission look like?

Introduction To Deliverance Ministry

Intro to Deliverance Ministry

The Body of Christ (that means you) has authority to deliver people from demonic bondage.
How the devil disarms us…through fear
Opening Doors for the evil one to oppress you
Signs of oppression:
addictions to sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, fear of the occult, compulsions and uncontrolled anger
Unforgiveness – cause and/or result of oppression
Getting Back the Key: Renunciation of past occult practices and repentance.

Coming to the End of Yourself is God’s Opportunity

unrecognizable man jumping on stones near sea

 In Hebrew, faithfulness means trustworthy or steadfast.  It is different from faith. It is being faithful to do what is right and follow the Lord’s leading even when you don’t have faith to move mountains. 

God’s Sovereign Call

Paul on the Road to Damascus

Paul was called, Paul was chosen by the will of God. He was chosen against his will. He did not seek, ask, or desire. He was chosen by the Grace of God.
In fact, he was radically opposed to God and hated God. He fought God with all his might!

Joseph & the Process of Preparation by God

God is more interested in the development of your character than in giving you things. Faith and Confession cannot shorten the process. Joseph & the Process of Preparation by God

God is more interested in the development of your character than in giving you things. Faith and Confession cannot shorten the process. Joseph & the Process of Preparation by God

What is Faith?

What is Faith?

The Greek word for faith also means to trust. Trust is a word that better conveys the meaning of faith, as trust is a word of relationship to another. Faith can be an abstract word as if it is some kind of power or ability unrelated to the God the Father, but possessed by one’s own will and strength.
Jesus had an unbroken trust in His Father. He never doubted. Out of his perfect trust in the Father, his righteousness was revealed.

The War Within Oneself

Inner Turmoil

The hardest struggle we have in this life is not with others, but within ourself.

My Testimony: Breaking the spirit of religion

Pardoned or Paroled? Escaping a Prison of Guilt to Find Freedom in Christ

How religious spirits infect and invade the church and bring people into bondage.