
The Irony of Atheism

The irony of atheism is that the atheist must posit the existence of God in order to have something to not believe in. Atheists don’t rail against the idea of Zeus or Thor; only against the Judeo-Christian idea of God.

Thy Kingdom Come …On Earth!

clouds during sunset

(Audio suffers from an echo…sorry)
The Gates of Hell will not be able to withstand the increase and aggressive advance of the Church, which God is using to establish the Dominion of God on the Earth. Aided by supernatural power, the people of God will be empowered to bring evidence of God’s reality, beauty, and love to the world. The church has been praying for the kingdom of God to COME on the Earth for over 2,000 years. What will that look like?

Praise Him! (Anyhow)

Herod murders babies in Jerusalem, Pharoah orders the murder of all the male Hebrew children in Egypt. When God is about to send deliverers, Satan motivates worldly powers to destroy that generation. We are living in a time such as this when the shedding of innocent blood is considered a good thing, and corrupt rulers and perverted courts oppress the people. How should we respond? Praise God (Anyhow).

E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many One

E Pluribus Unum

Our national motto, E Pluribus Unum, is a Latin phrase meaning: Out of Many (people), ONE (people). What calls us together from many people out of diverse backgrounds, nations, cultures, and yes, even races, is the dedication to a shared ideals stated in the Declaration of Independence: “That all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” There are forces right now trying to destroy our union and divide us into warring tribes with no shared goal or vision for the future; no shared ideals. They want to divide us along racial, economic, social and political lines.