My program of choice for studying the Word
Jefferis Kent Peterson
Bible for Win/DOS users also available)
of God. One of its nicest features is its ability to paste Bible verses directly
into any of your art, email, or word processing programs with its FKey application.
It is free for the basic version with the King James Bible. The Full and Deluxe
versions are available on CD ROM.
They include NIV, NRSV, NAS, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Greek, Hebrew,
and hun dreds of other valuable resources. These versions cost something because
of royalties, but they are well worth the price. However,the price for the Online
Bible is much less than some commercial programs. I encourage you to check it
out for free, and then, if you like it, buy
one of the full versions.You will not be sorry.
You can download the latest version
A copy of the KJV New Testament is posted there as well.
The Macintosh version of Online Bible has just recently been
updated. In addition, new CD-ROMs with additional material
have been produced.
New program features:
Support for pictures.
New tile option and commands.
Automatically save and restore last window configuration.
Copy range command for Bible passages and search results.
Bible texts displayed using italics instead of square brackets.
See “What’s New” file for a complete list.
New material on CD:
Adam Clarke’s Commentary (Entire NT and Genesis – Esther)
John Gill’s Expositor (Completed OT and NT)
Jamieson, Fausset, & Brown Commentary (Genesis – Psalms)
25 color maps & diagrams
1995 NASB with footnotes & xrefs (only on Deluxe CD)
Commentaries by J. A. Beet
Works by John Bunyan
Additional material by J. W. McGarvey
The A.B.C. of Biblical Archaeology by Dr. Wilson
Additional material on Creation & Evolution
Textual & Translation Notes by Jay Green
Additional non-English material in French, German, Dutch, etc.
See Appendix E in the new User’s Manual for a complete list.
The retail price for the CDs has remained the same. Those who purchased
an original CD can upgrade for $25. If you obtain a
new CD, the latest version of the program is included with it.
A complete description follows:
Feature List
* Fast, easy, and powerful Macintosh interface
* Perform word searches in under 1 second
* Complete set of search operators including AND, OR, XOR, NOT,
wildcard, and proximity
* Search and view the original Greek & Hebrew words using
Strong’s numbers
* Verb parsing information including tense, voice, and mood
* Greek & Hebrew lexicons with definitions in English
* Point and click hypertext linking
* Load, view, and search sixteen or more translations at once
* Synchronized scrolling of search results, Bible passages,
and verse notes
* Open as many as sixteen verse note/commentary sets at once
* Unlimited windows
* Bookmarks for Bible passages and personal notes
* Extensive collection of English as well as foreign
translations to choose from
* Actual Greek and Hebrew texts for original language work
* TrueType Greek and Hebrew fonts
* Over half a million cross references
* Commentaries by Matthew Henry, John Wesley, Adam Clarke,
John Gill, A.T. Robertson, C.H. Spurgeon, and others
* Topical studies by Naves, Thompson, Torrey, and others
* Integrated personal verse notes with built-in editor
* Bible FKey for quick and easy passage lookup without
switching applications
* View Bible passages and verse notes using any installed font
* Picture support with color maps and diagrams
* Print or export as a text file any Bible passage, search
result, verse note, or topical study
* Disk-based User’s Manual with tutorial and reference sections
* Requires a hard drive and System 6.0 or higher.
* Runs on any Macintosh from a Mac Plus to the newest Power Mac
* More program features, more translations, and more add-on
modules than any other Macintosh Bible study package available<br>

Ordering Information
Online Bible 2.5 program with disk based User’s Manual….. $5.-
(Note: The program disk is free when ordered with any Bible
text module listed below.)
Bible Texts
KJV with Strong’s numbers, footnotes, and alternate readings
(3.7 meg on 2 disks) …………………………… $10.-
1984 NIV with footnotes (2.1 meg on 2 disks) ………….. $25.-
1995 NASB with footnotes and xrefs (4.6 meg on 2 disks) … $25.-
1982 NKJV with footnotes (2.1 meg on 2 disks) …………. $15.-
1989 NRSV with footnotes (2.1 meg on 2 disks) …………. $15.-
1993 Modern KJV by Jay P. Green, Sr. (2 meg on 2 disks) … $15.-
1993 Green’s Literal Translation (2 meg on 2 disks) …… $15.-
1973 Revised Standard Version (2 meg on 2 disks) ………. $10.-
1901 American Standard Version (2.1 meg on 2 disks) ……. $10.-
1898 Young’s Literal Translation (2.1 meg on 2 disks) ….. $10.-
1890 J.N. Darby Translation (2 meg on 2 disks) ………… $10.-
Spanish 1989 RVA (2 meg on 2 disks) ………………….. $10.-
Spanish 1909 RV (2 meg on 2 disks) …………………… $10.-
French 1910 Louis Segond with Strong’s (3.6 meg on 2 disks) $10.-
German 1912 Luther with Strong’s (3.6 meg on 2 disks) ….. $10.-
Italian 1991 La Nuova Diodati (2.2 meg on 2 disks) ……. $10.-
Russian 1917 Synodal Text (2.4 meg on 2 disks) ………… $10.-
Five Greek texts (1550 Stephanus with Strong’s and full
parsing, 1894 Scrivener, 1991 Majority, 1881 Westcott-Hort,
and Nestle’s 26/27th) and Biblia Hebraica consonantal text
(8.2 meg on 4 disks) ……………………………….. $20.-
Add-On Modules
Thayer’s Greek and BDB Hebrew Lexicons (3.7 meg on 2 disks) $10.-
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (6.2 meg on 3 disks) …… $10.-
Thompson’s 1934 Chain Refs, Torrey’s New Topical Textbook,
and other topical material (6.4 meg on 2 disks) …… $10.-
Nave’s Topical Bible (4.8 meg on 2 disks) …………….. $10.-
Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening (1.6 meg on 1 disk) …….. $5.-
Easton’s Bible Dictionary (3.9 meg on 2 disks) ………… $10.-
Smith’s Bible Dictionary (3.8 meg on 2 disks) …………. $10.-
Robertson’s NT Word Pictures (5.7 meg on 2 disks) ……… $10.-
Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary (4.2 meg on 2 disks) … $10.-
John Wesley’s Notes on the Bible (6.5 meg on 3 disks) ….. $10.-
1599 Geneva Bible Notes (5.5 meg on 2 disks) …………. $10.-
Apocrypha – Oxford and RSV editions (1.7 meg on 1 disk) … $5.-
(Note: If you require double-density disks, add 20% to the
above prices.)
(Note: See Appendix E in the User’s Manual
for a complete listing of CD-ROM contents.)
Classic CD with over 400 meg of Bible texts and add-ons … $40.-
Deluxe CD containing Classic plus NIV, NASB, NKJV, & NRSV . $90.-
Classic or Deluxe CD upgrade
(only if you purchased an earlier CD)…………….. $25.-
Note: Upgrades should be obtained from the distributor you
purchased your original CD from. If that distributor doesn’t
handle upgrade orders, send your original CD (without the
jewel case) to the author along with the name of the
distributor you purchased it from and the $25 upgrade fee.
Others may retain their original CD for archival purposes,
but are not to sell or give it away in that it contains
copyrighted material for which royalties on only one copy
have been paid. Postage is free on all CD-ROM upgrade orders.
To U.S. or Canada …………………………………… free
All others countries ………………………………… $5.-
When ordering from the author, funds must be in U.S. dollars
and any checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Postal money
orders in U.S. dollars are O.K. Make checks payable to
“Ken Hamel”. Thank you.
Ken Hamel
Box 168
Oakhurst, NJ 07755
Tel: 908-741-4298
-----------------< The Online Bible Catalogue >----------------------------- Online Bible Upgrade Install Disk for Windows For those with a 4 meg /386 DX or better, use the Window's version instead of the DOS version. It works really well with the CD. You can load up to 50 versions and 25 note sets at once, synchronise scroll, paste directly to your word processor and lots more. This disk installs your older Online Bible CD or upgrades your existing DOS Online Bible version 6.x Online Bible to run as a true Windows application. Please indicate in your letter the exact version number of the Online Bible you have. Versions older than 6.0 cannot be updated. Versions older than 6.1 must be updated using the latest Online Bible DOS install disk before you can upgrade the installation to run under Windows. This install disk is included free when you tell us that you have a version 6 Online Bible that is older than 6.1. If you order the Windows CD, you do not need this upgrade disk; it is already on the CD. $5 US / $7 CAN. Online Bible 6.30 Windows CD-ROM Requirements: /386 DX or better with 4 or more megs of memory, 2 megs of hard disk space, Windows_ 3.1 or Windows 95_. (_ of Microsoft Corporation) Contents: 330+ megs of material _ Over a $1000 worth of books _ Easy to use, menu driven program _ Fast word, phrase or Strong's number search _ 644,000 cross references _ Over 5000 topics including Thompson Chain topics _ Bible Dictionary _ Bible keyed to Strong's numbers _ Verb parsings _ Greek and Hebrew lexicon _ Add your own topics, notes and word studies _ Import passages easily into most word processors _ Ten English versions including KJV, RSV, ASV _ Three dozen foreign translations in French, Spanish, German, Dutch and others _ Greek text keyed to Strong's and fully parsed _ Bible commentaries include Concise Matthew Henry, 1599 Geneva Bible notes, John Gill's 10,000,000 word exposition of the Bible, A.T. Robertson Word Pictures in the Greek New Testament, plus others _ John Gill's 1,000,000 word "Body of Divinity" _ Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" _ Latest Archaeological material _ Creation Science material, "The Lie", and the "Quote Book" plus others _ Pilgrim's Progress plus lots more. 25 Full colour maps. $49.95 US / $69.95 CAN You can easily move some or all of the material from your CD to your hard drive thus freeing up your CD player for some other CD. Each CD contains a coupon when you wish to buy the next Windows CD. Enough new material is added annually to justify getting an annual update each fall. Adding the NIV or NAS or NRSV Versions to the CD To get the unlock disks for either the NIV or NAS or NRSV versions on the Windoes or DOS CD include the following amounts for each unlock disk. NIV $20 US / $28 CAN NAS $20 US / $28 CAN NRSV $5 US / $7 CAN If you already have purchased the NIV or NAS or NRSV from us before, mention this in your order, and they will be included at no cost to you. NRSV is free if you mention you want it when you order or if you request either the NIV or NAS. Which CD should I order? If you are running Windows or plan to in the future, order the latest Windows CD. Otherwise order the DOS CD. Both CD's contain the ability to make disks so you can install the Bible versions, topics, notes and so forth onto machines that do not have CD's like laptop computers. The Windows CD will always have the latest material on it. We are planning no more updates for the DOS CD. All new material will be added to the Windows CD only. I do not have a CD on my computer. CD players for most computers are quite and are easily added to older machines like /286's. You can order a CD-ROM player for about $60 US from Damark (800) 729-9000 or Tigersoft (800) 888- 4437. In Canada, Datacom (519) 658-5161 is selling them for $70. All you need is a plain double speed CD. No sound card and no speakers. Quad speed CD's may be easier to come by and cost about $150. Even if you are planning to upgrade your machine, you can move the CD player you are buying to your new machine, thus preserving your investment. Even if you do not have a CD player on your machine, you can still use the Online Bible CD. Take it to a friend who has a CD and create the disks from it to load onto your computer. When you do get a CD player, you can use the CD you bought. Discounts on CD-ROM Orders Volume discounts are available on bulk CD orders. Price breakpoints are at 3 CDs 15% off, 5 - 30% off, 10 - 45% off, 25 - 60% off the normal price. Shipping is $5 plus 25 cents per CD. e.g. shipping for 25 CDs is $5 + 25 * 25 = $11.25. GST & PST extra on Canadian orders. Order manuals for the DOS CDs separately. No discounts on unlock disks. Ordering Procedure We only ship 3 1/2 inch high density disks for disk orders. The install procedure can convert these to other sizes using the procedure outlined in the manual. Circle the amounts of the items you want and write a personal cheque or money order for the total amount. Outside Canada, please use the US amount and make your cheque or money order payable in US funds drawn on a US bank. Do not use a US Postal money order. Overseas orders please add $5 extra for postage on disk orders. All material is sent first class air mail. Even so allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. The US mail is very slow at times. If you have sent us a letter or an order and have not heard back within 4 weeks, contact us. The order was probably lost in the mail. Send order to: Larry Pierce Tel: (519) 664-2266 (noon to 5 p.m., please) 11 Holmwood St., Fax: (519) 664-1444 Winterbourne, Ont. N0B 2V0 Make cheque or money order payable to "L. Pierce in trust". Canadian orders please add 7% GST. In Ontario add 15% for GST & PST. (No PST on manuals.) --------------------------< Index >--------------------------------------- God's Simple Plan of Salvation 22199 Online Bible DOS User's Manual 22021 User Topical Index 200000 Apologetics Archaeological Material 400001 Answers Book 401466 Facts of Life, by Gary Parker 401417 The Lie, by Ken Ham 400667 Questions & Answers on the Bible and Science 8700 Revised Quote Book 22200 Topical Items Combined Index for All Topical Material 12000 Thompson Chain Topics 4301 New Topical Text Book 6000 Revised Easton's Bible Dictionary 23000 Doctrinal Material An Antidote Against Arminianism 400705 A Body of Doctrinal & Practical Divinity 400737 How to Study Your Bible 8651 Major Bible Doctrines 8500 Pilgrim's Progress 400002 Puritan Confession of Faith 5450 The Sovereignty of God, by A. W. Pink 401351 Spurgeon's Catechism 5900 Sum of Saving Knowledge, Major Index 5750 The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ 401315 Other Material Harmony of the Gospels 9000 Index to Koran 30001 Index to Misc. Material 9901 Index to "Morning and Evening", by Spurgeon 27501 Index to People's New Testament Notes 9151 Index to Robertson's Word Pictures 9351 Index to "Treasury of Scripture Knowledge" Notes 22351 Maps and Charts 22019 The Works of John Gill 27001 Influence of the Bible 9013 Parallel Passages in New Testament 9050 Parallel Passages in Old Testament 9100 Index to Additional Topical Material See 3Topics for Index 300000 See 4Topics for Index 400000