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#TimesUp and Black Dresses?

Black Dresses? #Timesup?

The Golden Globes and the Red Carpet

#timesup black dresses? Actions speak louder than words or symbolic gestures. But that is the Hollywood mindset.  It might be more convincing if you stopped taking off your clothes when you make movies or model. Actresses are partly responsible for the hypersexualized culture that turns women into objects. It isn’t art, it’s just glorified lust. By consenting to sexual scenes, you submit to the male disorder of subjugating all women to the spirit of fantasy and pornography.

Hypocrisy? Women on the red carpet wore black dresses that accentuated their sexuality (long slits up their legs and V-necks to their bellies with breasts barely covered. And then in usa they complain about being treated as sex objects.

Sex Sells in Hollywood

Want to really make a difference!?  Refuse to disrobe on camera or do sex scenes. You sell a part of your soul for fame and fortune, you degrade yourself and then complain that powerful people treat you as sex objects to be used and manipulated.  Stop selling your soul and your body for fame that satisfies the greed and lust of the powerful. Then maybe your complaints will mean something more than a shallow statement.

And to Men:Stop treating women as objects. Value them as the Lord does… as daughters of God and princesses of the King of Kings.

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